Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ready, Set, Wait

As of 1/27/14, we are officially licensed to provide foster care!  It has been an incredibly long process.  I think we first put in our application in July.  I almost felt like giving up toward the end because some parts of the process were truly frustrating.  However, we feel strongly that this is God's will for us, so we didn't give up. 

And now begins the waiting game.  Every time the phone rings, the kids and I jump up wondering if this will be "the call."  We are so anxious to receive a child in our home.  I should state, for the record, that as of now, we are only planning to provide respite care and crisis nursery.  While the long term goal is long term foster care and adoption, we have decided to start slow to see how everyone adjusts to the changes.  I think we are all probably a little delusional about what this will look like - the kids imagine they will be getting new best friends/siblings who will quickly adjust and live here happily ever after.  And, I can't deny that I imagine getting a call to pick up a newborn baby from the hospital - a baby who will be healthy and wonderful and will be ours forever.  It's fun to imagine, but this is the real world, this is foster care.  I'm trying to prepare us all because there will be heartbreak, there will be rough moments.  But, as I reminded my kids again today, we are doing this in response to God's calling and to share His love with kids who desperately need it.  This isn't about my husband or myself, and this isn't about my children.  This is about God and His endless and perfect love.  He has blessed us abundantly and has called us to share those blessings with families in need.

Today we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. B and his foster parent.  Assuming all goes as planned, it looks like we will be providing ongoing respite for him.  I am so excited.  Aaron has begged and pleaded and prayed for a brother.  He needs a brother, even if that brother lives in another house and only comes to sleep here once a month.  I know God will bless us through this adventure, and He will use these days, months, and years to stretch us, to shape us into the people He wants us to be.

This is the beginning of something wonderful, something heartbreaking, something God planned for us from the beginning of time.  I'm so ready!  Let the adventure begin!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hi, my name is Jennifer.  I'm NOT a blogger.  I have NO idea what I'm doing.  I'm not really publishing this blog for an audience.  And, there's nothing fancy or extraordinary about me.  I'm a wife, a mother to three wonderful children whom I homeschool, and most importantly a Christ-follower. 

Since high school, I've felt God's calling to someday adopt.  After college, my husband and I got married, and have since had 3 children.  While I feel incredibly blessed with our family, God has given me a deep desire for a large family.  We have spent over half of our marriage struggling with infertility.

After praying about it, my husband and I have decided to venture into the world of foster care.  Before having children, I worked as a Social Worker, so I'm familiar with the workings of the county.  Although not thrilled with having to work so closely with a government agency, we have felt God's calling to foster and/or adopt.

We have done the interviews, submitted and passed the background check, taken the trainings, and prepared our children as much as possible.  We have one final step, which is scheduled for next week - the home safety inspection.

This week, I have been attempting to clear out clutter from our house.  I've been trying to think of all the items a foster care child will need or want. We are working toward moving our girls (age 8 and 2) into a shared bedroom to make room for foster children.  My head is spinning, and I'm feeling completely inadequate.  I trust that God will equip me and our family for this journey.  I know He will not leave me to handle this alone.  Through all the joys and sorrows to come, I will continue to live this life for Him.